Our Mission, Vision and Values
Tasmanian Iconic Walks
Tasmanian Iconic Walks offers an annual iconic walking experience in the Tasmanian wilderness. We encourage a team approach to fundraise before the event and a commitment to looking after your team mates on the day.
Vision of Tasmanian Iconic Walks
Our vision is a healthier Tasmania with fewer people having strokes.
Mission of Tasmanian Iconic Walks
To achieve our vision we will…
Raise awareness of stroke
Promote physical activity as a stroke prevention strategy
Raise funds via an experience of walking in the Tasmanian wilderness
Values of Tasmanian Iconic Walks
We recognise it takes courage to sign up to a challenging wilderness walk. We also recognise the courage it takes to be a stroke survivor, and to live side by side and support a stroke survivor.
We strive for connectivity of people and place. We aim for unique walking locations. We embrace a team approach, challenge, commitment to training and fundraising, and caring for teammates through respecting abilities and limitations.
We inspire others to make a difference in the lives of stroke survivors and their families; and to help those who are vulnerable.
To the environment, to teammates, and to our cause.